Thursday, October 9, 2014

Back Again

As some of you that follow my rants regularly know, I have taken down my personal website while I rebuild and modernize it. So, I'm back to posting blogs here on Blogger.

I like to post factual, but sometimes funny, sometimes goofy, sometimes even offensive (to some) stuff here. My posts are often just my opinions. But I do try to base everything on facts. I try to stay open minded. I enjoy hearing other's opinions.

I am happy to get comments on/about my posts, even those that disagree with me. And I will allow all comments to my posts that are not ridiculous, overly biased, closed minded, vulgar, or that include 'facts' that are easily disproved with a quick Google search. So, don't be a bigot and watch your language and your opinions will probably get published.

Okay, all that being said, this blog is mostly for fun (my fun more than yours, probably). There may be posts about computers, software, sports, politics, cars, motorcycles, animals, people... You get the picture - everything! Read it for fun, to keep informed, whatever - but mostly enjoy 😀.

(If you don't enjoy and don't like what I have to say, just don't read what's here. Exercise your right not to pay attention to me before you exercise your right to bitch).

Thursday, February 27, 2014

19 "Hard Things" We Should All Do Everyday:

19 "Hard Things" that we should all do everyday:

•You have to make the call you're afraid to make.
•You have to get up earlier than you want to get up.
•You have to give more than you initially get in return.
•You have to care more about others than they care about you.
•You have to fight when you are already injured, bloody, and sore.
•You have to feel unsure and insecure when playing it safe seems smarter.
•You have to lead when no one is following you yet.
•You have to invest in yourself even though no one else is.
•You have to look like a fool while you're looking for answers you don't have.
•You have to grind out the details when it's easier to shrug them off.
•You have to deliver results when making excuses is an option.
•You have to search for your own explanations even when you're told to accept the "facts".
•You have to be willing to make mistakes and look like an idiot.
•You have to try, fail and try again.
•You have to run faster even though you're out of breath.
•You have to be kind to people who have been cruel to you.
•You have to meet deadlines that are unreasonable and deliver results that are unparalleled.
•You have to be accountable for your actions even when things go wrong.
•You have to keep moving towards where you want to be no matter what's in front of you.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Facebook Virus Draining Bank Accounts

Zeus, a six-year-old virus is going strong thanks to Facebook. From what I've read, Facebook is aware of the virus and is not taking it very seriously. So, it comes down to you – which really, it should.

Mac OS X and Linux users, at ease. Zeus targets only Windows operating systems.

The virus spreads through phishing messages. Usually, it is part of link or ad posted by a friend that suggests you checkout an ad or video. BE CAUSIOUS AND ONLY CLICK LINKS YOU ARE SURE ABOUT.

The virus sits quietly for a while doing nothing, until you log into a bank account. Once you've successfully logged in, it steals you id and password. Then later, drains your account.

The Zeus virus has been around since 2007 and is hosted on computers controlled in Russia.

The sophistication of this virus is, well, amazing. It may put up a duplicate of your banks page to make you think you are logging into your bank's real website. It has also been known to grab your social security number, which is then sold on the black market. Also, once the virus has you, it will send messages through social media and email, in your name, trying to spread to new computers.

Bottom line – be wary of all messages that say, 'checkout this video,' DON'T CLICK THE LINK, unless you are absolutely sure of it's origin.

Note: the videos are almost always real and funny / cute / scary – something to grab your attention. Because they are real, you won't have any idea you're infected.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Windows 8 Causes Problems for N. Korea

I think this is hilarious! North Korea says that they had to delay missile tests because of problems with Windows 8! I guess we are all lucky they don't use Linux :-D

Friday, March 1, 2013

SETI at Home

I've been part of the SETI at Home program for years now. In this program your computer, when not in use by you, is used by the program to sift through huge amounts of data looking for signals from space.

Today I found out that SETI's policy, if a signal from space is discovered, is to NOT report this to the public. Instead, this private organization will notify the government and ask them what to do.

Now wait... You use my computer -for years, but aren't going to tell me if something is found?

I might have to stop allowing them access to my computers. Am I wrong in thinking that the thousands of people who participate in this program somehow have the right to know if a signal from space is discovered?

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Almost Perfect Day

Today was the kind of day I was made for... Temp was 80 and it was mostly sunny. Too bad the waves weren't cooperative - 2 ft waves and a 5 sec period.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Weather on Christmas Day

The weather forecast for Christmas in Missouri - 32 and cloudy. At home here in Florida - 79 and sunny. Guess where I'll be?